Although ready to eat solid food, of course 6-month baby food is different from food for adults. It is recommended to process complementary foods for breastmilk themselves, so that they can be adapted to the nutrients the baby needs. At the age of 6 months, the baby can support his own head and become interested in food consumed by people nearby. This is the recommended time to provide complementary food. Various 6-Month Baby Food Choices Now there are a variety of 6-month instant baby food products that are easily found in supermarkets. However, the processing process is too long to make instant baby food does not contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins. This is the reason why it is advisable to process your own baby food for 6 months, so that the baby can get adequate nutrition and vitamins. Initially, a 6-month-old baby is only able to consume about one teaspoon of vegetables or fruit in one meal. Then, the portion will increase gradually over time. Besides fruits and vege...