There is a general belief in society that you should not take a shower when sweating. Yet precisely when sweating, often arises the desire to take a shower, especially after exercising. Sweating during exercise is normal. Sweating from the body is the cooling process of the body to maintain a stable body temperature. Bathing after exercise is actually important to cleanse the body. But, is it safe to take a shower when sweating? Bathing when Sweating After Exercising Bathing while sweating after exercising is a safe thing to do, and it is recommended. The reason is that moist skin conditions due to perspiration will facilitate the development of fungi and bacteria on the skin, as well as making the skin more susceptible to irritation. With a shower, dirt, oil, and germs that stick to the skin after exercise will be lifted. Therefore, you are advised to take a shower immediately after exercising and sweating. If you do not have time to take a shower, at least try to immediately r...